Friday, August 5, 2011

On Ripe Peaches and Doing the Right Thing

    Sitting here right now, I just want to stop the world and get off for a while.  It is so beautiful outside this morning.  The temperature is a cool 78 degrees.  The sky dazzles me with a low humidity blue, and there is full crape myrtle representation.  Everything about this time of year says, “Use your five senses.  Take it all in.  Winter is coming.”
    It is.
    But, it’s a work day, and the house is a mess, and I need to work on a presentation I’m giving in the early Fall.  The thing is, the peaches will only be available for another couple of weeks.
    You know that buzzy, caffeinated feeling you can get in your head – tired and activated all at the same time?
    So I went outside for 15 minutes just now and sat looking at the trees.  It’s like they breathe with me.  The green is so soothing, and of course it’s not just one green.  There are many shades of green among the leaves as they blow in this gorgeous breeze today.  Feeling the air on my skin.  Breathing in and out.  I feel gratitude to get to be doing this right now.
    I find I can only sit out there for about 15 minutes, then the day’s work calls me back in.  I still have no idea what to do about the ants on the kitchen counter, but I feel a bit differently inside.   
    Barbara Walters once asked someone if they were a tree, what kind would they be.  As I sit here right now breathing in and out with my eyes closed, I can see the green of those leaves behind my eyes.

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