Monday, July 25, 2011

Starting Where I Am

Finally and at last!  I walked outside this afternoon to a warm breezy day and took what felt like the first deep breath in a week.  The oven we’ve been living in has transformed into a regular warm Maryland Summer day. (That’s around 90 degrees for you out of towners.)  As I walked into the backyard looking for a little renegade beagle, I felt the receptivity of the trees and greenery all around.  As I breathed in and out, I felt the tension leaving my body and somehow being absorbed and transformed by the life all around me.  During these last hot days, it's been as if the hot air pushes back against me when I walk outside -- much harder for me to connect to the calming effect I so enjoy.

The energy of Summer is such a pleasure.  I love the peaches and the tomatoes and swimming in the pool.  I also think that the bright golden pop of the Black Eyed Susans deserves special mention here.  I love the emphasis on connection that goes with the energy of Summer.  It's not always easy though, all that heat and human relationships can surface the places where we feel wounded and blocked.  (Does anyone really want to think for too long about those family vacation fights?) Personal growth can feel stagnated in the heat of these days, and yet today, I am reminded that movement will come if I am open to it.  It's starting to rain. I can hear the wind in the trees.  It feels like an exhale.

It seems like a good day to begin this dialog with you.  As I write, I hold the intention to share what I learn as I go through the days, and I would like to hear your thoughts, additions, and reactions if you wish.  I am not interested in negativity or bashing, so if it comes up, write it somewhere else -- or walk outside and breathe.  Blessed be.

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